Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Your Picture is You! Dating Online Do’s and Don’ts

Many of us have tried dating online at some point in our lives with mixed results. Some of us never got beyond seeing the commercials and advertisements. Others set up profiles but never went back to the sites to see our responses. And some of us have just had no luck.

First things first, make sure you are on a site that will support your dating efforts. At KissCafe (found here at:, you will find a large, supportive community that is looking for love. Further, this site has always been and will always be completely free! Where else can you find this sort of excellence for that kind of price?

But, when dating online, finding a great site is only half the battle. It’s also important to remember that the people looking to find you don’t know who you are and won’t get the chance to meet you until later in your relationship. Until then, dating online is all about the profile. There are as many different ways to put together a profile as there are people, but let’s tackle one of the most important parts right now: the picture.

Images say more about what we look like and how we view ourselves than we ever consciously realize. The pictures we choose to show, therefore, are important! However, the pictures that those dating online use sometimes do not tell an accurate story. Here are a couple of things that you should consider before putting up and online pictures:

-You must have a picture. While this is an option for many websites, you will exponentially increase the number of visitors to your profile if you include a picture (or a small gallery) of yourself.

-Make sure that your picture is recent! Remember, dating online is not a retrospective on your life. Instead, these people are meeting you right now. Thus, every single one of your pictures should be from within the last six months (and more recent if you have them). You can discuss your past, but don’t document it through pictures on your profile!

-Your photo should show what you look like! I’m not saying that you should go out and have professional head shots done (and please, don’t post your glamour shots), but all the images should look like you don on a regular basis. The image should focus on your face and upper body. Don’t wear sunglasses, snorkels, masks, or anything else that might block your eyes! Also, the image should be work safe, because you want to be liked for your personality and not your risque profile!

Following these tips will boost your profile views and your overall response rate! Have fun!

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