Monday, October 19, 2009

Online Dating Site Links to Love, Change

Whether you’re enthusiastic about it or not, online dating has clearly revolutionized the age-old game of finding a mate. Though luddites are already panicking about the potential impact of online dating on real-life meetings, more and more are flocking to the web in the hopes of finding someone. Huge sites like advertise millions of registered users, but as the field expands, so do your options.

No longer is online dating limited to pay-site behemoths or very general sites. The advantage of the Internet always has been the ability to connect and cater to specific demographics. Are you Jewish? Over 40? Married? Have a dungeon in the basement? There’s a site—or a multitude—out there for you!

But where does online dating go from here? With sites for the wealthy and middle-aged markets fairly well established through a few high-profile sites, what is there for the rest of us, particularly the young, restless, and social media-savvy?

One site,, incorporates the user-generated ethos of web 2.0 to create a free service with a distinctive flavor—hip, international, and involved. The site’s appeal seems to be linking online dating with social web technology like blogs, video messaging, RSS feeds, and question-and-answer forums, adding the excitement factor of events (such as a video contest) and concern for world issues like sustainability. The site also comes in an array of languages, with links to various international counterparts.

In addition to the standard online dating site fare of profile searching, the multifaceted allows users to create their own blogs and search for users with similar interests using tags. Users may also ask questions about dating and relationships on a section called “Eureka,” no doubt applying the philosophy of “a rising tide lifts all boats.” Other than blogging, one of the more unique aspects of the site is the “Fact / Act” feature. These provide, according to the FAQ, “information about the critical issues that society and the planet face today,” plus links to more information and simple suggestions for how to do one’s part. Another community-building exercise engages in is the featuring of periodic contests such as the “Lust 4 Life” video contest, which awarded a $1000 first prize.

The appeal of features like blog applications on an online dating site should be apparent to members of the tech-savvy generation who already live much of their social lives online. Blog posts certainly give you a glimpse into the internal workings for any potential date—surely a plus for finding people who share your outlook and interests. Blogs, Fact / Acts and other web community activities also make into an engaging online dating web site where finding a mate is perhaps only half the fun.

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